About Us

PT Cahaya Cemerlang Keijitama (Banten, Indonesia)

Keiji Thinner is part of PT Cahaya Cemerlang Keijitama, which has been pioneering business in thinner / solvent manufacturing since 2009 to answer the needs of industry, retail building stores, and paint shops for quality solvents.
With the support of a professional workforce and the company's dedication to provide the best, with the principle of hard work and honesty in maintaining quality, now with more than 500 customers both industrial, retail, and agent / distributor customers, PT Cahaya Cemerlang Keijitama is now a thinner company that reliable and stable by always improving quality and efficiency so as to produce quality products at competitive prices. We have served the needs in various industries such as workshops, car painting, bodywork, furniture industry, printing, and others.
"Solution to the needs of all solvents" is the motto of PT Cahaya Cemerlang Keijitama, through this motto, we expect to provide the best in the field of solvents through products that have been produced with good quality.


Menjadi salah satu perusahaan yang terpercaya melayani kebutuhan akan thinner dengan kejujuran dan kualitas yang stabil


Meningkatkan kemampuan untuk selalu berusaha mencari solusi terbaik dalam membantu konsumen menghemat atau menurunkan biaya produksi sehingga didapatkan produk dengan modal lebih rendah dan kualitas yang baik Membangun kemitraan yang saling menguntungkan dengan toko, agen, dan distributor Selalu siap dan mampu untuk menyuplai semua kebutuhan thinner di aneka macam industri


PT Cahaya Cemerlang Keijitama merupakan produsen thinner/pelarut terkemuka dan terpercaya di Indonesia. Produk yang Kami jual seperti Thinner, Soda Api, Politur, Cat Meni Kayu & Besi, Pernis, dan banyak lagi. Kami menjual thinner berkualitas dan terlengkap.


Jl Raya Mauk km 7 Tangerang - Banten Tangerang
Banten , Indonesia


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